
Take direct and intention action in accordance with the One eternal Source of ALL Energy.  Align the mindset, and heart with the universal vision, make it clear, make it vivid and make it the absolute ideal of conscious reality.  

The world seen currently is held together by the conscious and intentional energy and focus given. As the perspectives of the multitudes shift, to perceive the truth of this reality - so to does the reality itself shift.

Harmonize the mind with the ideas and notions, directly in alignment with the envisionments of a new kingdom of the One True GOD - and not of the laws of man. Not laws which thus far have failed to encompass the true expression of humanity and the soul that a binds within. But of the divine laws of heaven, and of the One True GOD. Of the laws of the heavens which call each of us to transcend beyond the understanding of this world and bring forth a new - the Kingdom of GOD in the name of GOD and for the fulfillment of the given covenant.

With the coming of the times and the passing away of the world of greed, only the truth set forth eons ago will remain.

The oppressed shall rise.

Strongholds be casted down.

The armor of prideful Kings shall be loosed.

The imprisioned and worngly judge, of man, shall be set free.

The souls of the faithful will be lifted.

The nations shall be subdued unto the One True GOD and Beneficent One.

All forms of debt and indebtedness placed upon the people and nations are to be released, forgiven, and absolved.

The man made systems of this world require conscious intentional energy. Choose to withdraw the energy and the systems put in place, to only succeed a few, will starve and wither.

Anything that can be conceived in the mind, focused with faith, can and will be appropriated to each of us in the exact proportion to the effort we put forth in thought and will. 

Accept, embrace, establish and only allow a reality and physical world where Love is the Law. No one may enter, unless they enter in love. No one may exchange, unless they exchange in love. The old systems built by the fear-based notions of supremacy of one race over another will cease to be.

The world being built upon the ashes is the New Kingdom of the Ancestors.

This, it is inevitable.